Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fundraiser takes over board members house!

Cups will be  handed out at Thursdays practice.


Today Wed, Sept 4 the Mitey Mites will be practicing.
Tomorrow, Thur Sept 5, ALL DOCUMENTATION IS DUE NO EXCEPTIONS. Birth certificates, report cards, physicals and contracts should have been turned in by August 1. We need ALL players on the field and ready for the official weigh in at 545. If we do not have your documentation, you child will not be eligible to certify. With a JP game on Saturday, players not certified CAN NOT PLAY.
Thursday Sept 5, the Mitey Mites will scrimmage Plainview Bulldogs at our practice field at 630pm. Please plan to be there. We need our kids to get the real game practice. Mitey Mites parents will be hosting the Plainview parents/players with an after game dinner (hot dogs, drinks etc.) Get with your team mom, Michelle McGrew for information on the items needed.
Saturday, Sept 7 the JP will have their first game in Brownfield at 245pm against the Red Raiders. This game was a last minute add on. Parents need to be there at the field at 145pm. The hour is needed for warm up and weigh in.
Here is the updated parent shirt form. I will bring copies for those who can not print. If you can print and have it ready that would be great. Payment must be made in order to process the order.
Thank you all.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


2013 Estacado Steelers Schedule

Game Time Steelers!
 If you have not signed the release to allow your kids to have Steelers related  photos posted, please do so. This form is for the protection of the association as well as your children. If you prefer your child's photo NOT be on the website, I NEED you to indicate DECLINE on the Media Release form. I have them for you to sign. See Fran or your team Mom for your release form.
There are still a few documents I need from a few people. I will be getting with you tomorrow. If you KNOW you have not brought a form to us, PLEASE bring it tomorrow. I CAN NOT certify the books with out COMPLETE documentation.
 Team moms will taking names of game day volunteers and setting up snack rotation for game days. PLEASE be sure to get with your team mom.

Updated Order Form